For the design aspect of the event, we first began with research. Our group considered it beneficial that we were given such an honorable event with so much history behind it. Knowing that the event would be centered on veterans, our goal was to create an atmosphere that symbolized how thankful and memorable they are and will always be. We wanted this event to be nothing less than a tribute to those who fought for our freedom.
As we searched the area of veterans still alive and able to participate, we took note of the things they experienced during the time they served. We developed ways throughout the event in which the men had the opportunity to share their stories. The more information we gathered about the men we found, the more inspiration we had to fuel the event. We enjoyed getting to incorporate those memories throughout the event by adding details such as the decorations and activities.
The colors red, white and blue filled the room. Everyone saluted the flag as we sang the National Anthem. We placed question cards at every table for the veterans to get to tell their most memorable experiences. We did our best to use these accents of the event as ways to show our appreciation for their service. In an effort to make the event as enjoyable as possible, we hosted games where the men were able to reminisce by playing snippets of songs and letting them guess them. Overall, our group took this experience not only to achieve a passing grade, but as an opportunity to show gratitude for those who fought for our freedom.