The Day of: Schedule
11:00 Arrive
We wanted to ensure that someone was there to escort the guests in if they arrived early.
The event was set up before we got there by Judy Duvall, Leigh Anne McKinney, Diane Runyan, and their student workers.
11:10 Veterans and family arrive
When the guests arrived, we escorted them from their cars to the door and gave the veterans a boutonniere to welcome them.
The guests could sit wherever they wanted.
Those of us who weren’t greeting mingled with the guests and got them drinks.
11:30 Lunch is served
Lunch included Vegetable Beef Soup and Cornbread
We served the prepared plates/bowls to each of the guests flight attendant style
11:50 Dessert time!
A variety of fried pies were presented to each of the guests (Apple, Peach, Sweet Potato, and Chocolate) along with a cup of Blue Bell ice cream.
12:00 Program began
Welcome and prayer: Ian Cosh
Greetings: Judy Duvall
“Name That Tune”
Hannah found music from the World War II era that were played over a speaker and the veterans guessed the names of the songs.
Patriotic Songs: Margaret Geoffrion
My Country Tis of Thee
National Anthem
“Questions from the Hat”
The veterans passed around a hat and answered questions pertaining to their memories while they were in service.
Gifts of appreciation
We presented them with a WWII challenge coin and a book.
See how we did it!!!

We had flyers that were hung around town.
There was an ad in the newspaper, welcoming anyone who served in WWII
As a team, we contacted local churches and nursing homes to get names and addresses of potential guests, contacted the veterans, and invited them to the luncheon.